A Journey with My Students

I started this journey with my students today.  As a rule, I do not recommend NOT reading a book ahead of time when reading to a class of middle schoolers.  But my mom recommended this one, so I think I might be forgiven.

This is the true story of two pen pals.  Caitlin is an all-American girl from Pennsylvania.  Like most 7th graders, she has very little understanding of life outside of her hometown.

Martin lives a much different life in Zimbabwe.  He has to fight for his education.

My mom has shared a little of where their story leads.  I'm excited to watch it unfold with my students.  I will hopefully be sharing some of what this journey does in my classroom as we explore the difference reading and writing can make in a person's life.  Because letter-writing, like all writing, is just a way to connect with others.
